BlueCraft Digital Foundation, is a publication house and its chief function is only to promote the brand image of Modi and it has published several books on Modi heaping a praise on him
Soruces in Bluecfraft says recently the same Publciation has approcahed famous Music director Ilayaraja during first week of April 2022 for writting preface message on Modi
In the preface, Ilayaraja praised Prime Minister Modi’s plans and said that he was on par with Ambedkar.

The comparison drew criticism from various quarters on social media.
Many of the critics commented, ” Is it MP post or some presitgios award or What a crisis from the BJP government for Ilayaraja . praising him like this.”
Amidst this social media strong oppostion it toook BJP Party president came forward and criticise Social media bloggers
Acording to GST sources Ilayaraja faced tremedous pressure from the Union government over during march 2022.
The information received by the circles of the GST officials in this regard gives rise to speculation as to whether this is the background to Ilayaraja’s great praise of Modi.
The Chennai Regional Office of the Director General of GST Intelligence, Government of India, headed by Prime Minister Modi, is located at Creams Road.
From this office, the Senior Intelligence Officer sent a summons to the composer Ilayaraja on February 28, No. 38, Murugesan Street, The Nagar, Chennai, mentioning Ilayaraja’s name.

In the summons letter, he said, “As you (Ilayaraja) have not paid your service tax, you will have to appear at our Chennai Regional Office on March 10, 2022 at 11 am for questioning as per the Service Tax Prevention Act.
You have to submit your documents under Section 14 of the Central Excise Act 1944, Section 83 of the Finance Act 1994, Sections 70, 174 (2) of the GST Act 2017 at 11 am on March 10,
The Director General of GST Investigation told the Ilayaraja at the Chennai Regional Office. The summons has gone.
In its notice as a direct threat it mentions “ You (illayaraja) not to leave the said premises/office with out leave and if the case is adjourned with out ascertaining the date of adjournment
It is also told that Ilayaraja not appeared before the Regional Office of the Director General of GST Investigation on March 10.
This is because another summon was sent to Ilayaraja again on March 21 from the same GST intelligence department.

A second summons has been issued to Ilayaraja to appear before the Chennai Regional Office of the Director General of GST Investigation on March 28 at 11 am, citing the same reasons.
In between Bluecfraft a brand image publcation of Prime Minsiter Modi reached illayaraja during first week of April and on April 14, just after few weeks of summons ..
Then Famous Music director Illayaraja compare Modi with Icon leader Ambedkar
Put the Timeline in place Intelligent Readers may conclude whether the two summons sent to Ilayaraja by the GST intelligence has anything to do with the foreword written by Ilayaraja for comparing Modi and Ambedkar