[splco_heading size=”17″ align=”left” margin=”30″]On May 31 and June 1, a video recorded by journalists in a sting operation emerged on various social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook allegedly showing principal and dean of GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, Prof Arti Dave Lalchandani prejudice against the Muslim community.[/splco_heading]
Post sting operation video release Lalchandani has since then been transferred to Jhansi. But the problem for her doesn’t end there ..
President of All India Muslim Vikas Parishad (AIMVP) M D Shaikh has filed a complaint with the Medical Council of India for cancellation of medical licence and initiation of disciplinary proceedings against her for her “vituperative outpourings” against the community in connection with COVID-19 cases.
“In a video of five minutes, she referred to Tablighi Jamaat members as “terrorist” and was seen asking as to why we (government) are giving them (Jamaati patients) VIP treatment,” the complaint filed by Supreme Court advocate Rajesh Inamdar said.
“The conduct of Prof Lal Chandani is extremely unprofessional, unethical, illegal and absolutely unbecoming of a medical professional. She has completely disregarded the medical ethics and the Hippocratic Oath,” the complaint said.

Needless to state that doctors are supposed to see every individual as human and try to relieve their suffering irrespective of their religion, caste, race or ethnicity,” the complaint states.
“This is not an isolated incident, her conduct can be gauged from her past interviews wherein she appeared before several media channels and made unsubstantiated claims against the Tablighi Jamaat patients that they were misbehaving with female nurses and doctors and demanding biryani and other things, which news, upon enquiry, were found to be totally false and bogus.
As the country is battling against COVID -19 pandemic, such statements and communal outpourings have been creating unnecessary communal situations and inciting hatred amongst communities,” it goes on to state.
The complaint sought an enquiry by the governing council of the MCI into her conduct as dean and principal of a prestigious institution.
“If found guilty, her license could be cancelled forthwith followed by blacklisting her. As a consequence, she must be removed from the position she currently holds,” it says.
Following the controversy, Lalchandani had released a letter seeking an apology for hurting the feelings of ‘Muslim brother and sisters’. She also said she had taught many Muslim students.