Even when 22 opposition parties demanding 100% VVPAT to ensure fair and foul free election process EC summarily rejected 100% matching of EVM and VVPAT slips but offered to count only 2 VVPATs per assembly
But after Opposition Parties approached Supreme Court and then EC agreed that it will audit only EVM’s from 5 randomly selected polling station per assembly means some approx 20000 VVPAT machines to be tallied in 10 lakhs EVMS.. That works out to just 2%) .
Two days before counting Opposition parties under Andhra Pradesh CM Chandra babu Naidu approached Election commission again and requested that 2% VVPATs that was to be picked randomly to be counted first before start of actual EVM counting
That 22 Poltical parties request also been found summarily rejected by Election Commission a day before voting
Now Interestingly unconfirmed report of returning officer Annexure A been available on Social media that reads as below
Unique ID Control Unit : BCUAA 53729 & BCUAA 83917
Unique ID of VVPAT : BUTAK 84954 & BUTAK 84742
Total Discrepancy found : 14
Means on the Polled vote 6.4% not found matching .. That is on EVM votes 14 votes been found on higher side
The procedure or code of conduct for if discrepancy been found is unlaid by both Election Commission and also by Supreme Court when they heard 22 Political parties petition
It is to be noted Opposition parties has come down form 100% to 50% and then 25% VVPAT counting but Election Commission stick to its adamant stand of only 2% VVPAT counting
During argument in Supreme Court Opposition Parties agreed for six days wait time for 50% VVPAT counting that been advocated by Election Commission
Now with this 6.4% discrepancy been reported indicating the Unique CU and VVPAT Number ., what is store / remedy has to be checked ponders the voters who casted their valuable vote in the world largest Democratic Process
This raises the next question of where to avail the data for entire 2% couting of VVPATs in order to check the total discrepancies and If in case if discrepancies found at large what could be the remedy for those Constituencies .
Interestingly one important question now remains with Election Commission to be answered who all along maintained 100% accuracy when tally for VVPAT with EVM takes place .