Sexual intercourse could help relieve some of the anxiety and stress and bring the couples closer to each other.
But as per the study published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, was conducted by doctors at China’s Shangqiu Municipal Hospital on 38 men hospitalised with COVID-19.,
It was found that six of them (16%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in their semen.
The virus responsible for COVID-19, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been detected in stool, gastrointestinal tract, saliva, and urine samples also in other studies.
Experts warn that if one of the partners is COVID-19 positive, sex should be avoided.
Isolation of the infected person has been advised, and no contact with the uninfected family members and partners is recommended.
Kissing and oral sex is a common practice during sex, and the virus may be transmitted from the infected person to the partner via the saliva contaminated with the virus. Transmission via oral sex thus is also a possibility. Dr. Carlos E. Rodríguez-Díaz, in a statement, said kissing is a prevalent practice during sex, and the virus can be transmitted via saliva. Therefore, the virus can be transmitted by kissing.”
The transmission is known to occur via respiratory droplets, say experts. It can also be transmitted if an uninfected person touches a surface that has been contaminated by respiratory droplets containing the virus.
Research detects a more dangerous SARS-CoV-2 mutation Impact of COVID-19 on pregnancy and breastfed infants Professor Claudia Estcourt, an expert from the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, said, “It is safe for people in a household which has been self-isolating for over 14 days to have sex.
But remember that every time someone goes out of their household, that person has the potential to acquire the virus. You will need to keep resetting the 14-day clock if one of you is in contact with someone with coronavirus or develops symptoms.”
Having sex with someone who has been in contact with a person with COVID-19 is also a no-no say, experts.
[splco_quote]The health department from the United States has published a booklet outlining the answers to FAQs regarding sex during the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidelines further state, “You are your safest sex partner. Masturbation will not spread COVID-19, especially if you wash your hands (and any sex toys) with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after sex.”[/splco_quote]