The Supreme Court on Thursday gave a interim order about the transportation of migrant labourers, which has become a matter of controversy since the short time notice uttered by BJP led government on March 24th
During the lock down days a series of instances were reported of hungry and desperate migrants looting foodcarts at various railway stations.
Several migrants have died after being on the trains without food and water in the sizzling heat.
Yesterday, a heartbreaking video of a child trying wake his dead mother had gone viral. The court, which had asked the Centre and states to file replies on the issue, said the major problem is the “transportation of migrants and providing them food”.
[splco_youtube url=”” autoplay=”yes” title=”Baby kid tries to wake dead mother in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur railway station”]
The Supreme Court’s order on migrants address below issues
As and when the state governments put in a request for trains, railways has to provide them.
No fare for train or bus shall be charged from migrant workers. The fare will be shared by the states. (As of now centre government is charging fares from State government and certain BJP run state governments charge migrants )
Migrant workers who are stranded, shall be provided food by the concerned state at places which shall be publicised and notified.
During the train journey, the originating states will provide meals and water.
The railways will provide meals and water. Food and water will also be provided in buses.
The state shall oversee the registration of migrant workers and ensure that after registration, they board the train or bus at an early date.
Complete information should be provided to all concerned.
Those migrant workers found walking on the roads, should be immediately taken to shelters and provided food and all facilities.

But not just legal experts but bureaucrats ( who do not want to be quoted ) commented as more than 50 millions migrated got stranded across India how this orders is going to executed with out having any proper data in hand .. What PMCARES fund meant here ..