Hindu Priest Sansari Ojha engaged at Brahmani Dei Temple in Bandhahuda in Odissa state in India that comes under Narasinghpur police station limit allegedly beheaded a man inside the shrine on Wednesday night, said police on Thursday.
While the dead body has been sent for an autopsy, police have seized the murder weapon from the shrine.
The deceased has been identified as Saroj Pradhan aged 52 . Later, the priest after heard he been looked out for inquiry he voluntarily surrendered before the police.

Priest Sansari Ojha engaged at Brahmani Dei Temple in Bandhahuda
“The priest claimed that he saw Goddess in his dream and was asked to sacrifice a human’s life to bring to an end to coronavirus. Hence, to appease the goddess, he decapitated the man,” said Alok Ranjan Ray, Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) of Athagarh.
India even though in lockdown as on 65 day made up nearly a quarter of Asia’s new infections last Friday, with the continent as a whole accounting for 23 per cent of the world’s daily tally – up from a figure as low as eight per cent in March and April.
Later this 70-year-old Hindu priest was arrested for allegedly sacrificing a 52-year-old man inside a temple in Odisha’s Cuttack district to appease the goddess and end the coronavirus pandemic.
Police said they were initiating an investigation into the incident as the priest had a long-standing dispute with the deceased over a mango orchard on the outskirts of the village..
Note : Picture in this Featured Article is an illustrative display represents of a goddess called Kali where section of local people offer animals scarification such as fully grown goat , Cock to fulfil their promise/commitment ..