Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation from Red Fort on 72nd Independece Day Ahead of the crucial Assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh
Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a direct way tried to woo farmer in his speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort on Wednesday by reiterating the government’s commitment to doubling their income by 2022.
“Our commitment to double the income of Indian farmers is cast in stone. A lot of people raise doubts about this. But we are firm in our decision,” Modi said.
He said the government was moving firmly towards modernizing Indian agriculture and providing value addition at every stage, right from seeds to markets.
The prime minister said the government was moving towards a more export-oriented policy for farm goods. “Solar farming, green farming, and organic farming, all these concepts which are fast picking up,” he said.

On the much-talked about hike in kharif MSP by 1.5 times the cost of production, Modi said many people talked of this, but it was his government which had the courage and will power to implement such a ‘momentous’ decision for the farmers.
Pointing towards the ‘massive surge in production of some commodities in the last few years’, Modi said it was because of the hard work of the farmers.
But, farmers at large remained unimpressed with Modi and his claims.
“Well, all this is fine, but we (farmers) expected some sort of roadmap from the government on how it plans to implement crucial decisions like raising MSP by 1.5 times the cost.

It has already been more than two months since the decision to hike MSP was made by the union government,” said Avik Saha, convenor of Jai Kisan Andolan — a conglomeration of over 100-farmers groups.
Saha said the farmers were eager to hear what the prime minister had to say in his last I-Day speech in the current term, hoping that he’d offer solutions to their problems.
“But it seems the Prime Minister preferred to go with old wine in new bottle,” Saha said. “There was absolutely nothing new in his speech for the farmers, which has been the practice with this government.
His speech was full of old announcements, but lacked the roadmap to accomplish them,” Saha said.