Fueling the recent spate of hate and slogans against a particluar caste on Jawaharlal Nehru University’s walls, a fresh phrase was spray-painted on its main gate. Hindu Raksha Dal and ABVP members allegedly wrote slogans against the Communists.
They wrote, “Communists Quit India”, “Communists = ISIS”, and “Jihadis Quit India”. In fact, the wall also read, “Hindu Raksha Dal.”
This comes a day after the JNU Students’ Union condemned the anti-Brahmin slogans that surfaced on its walls on Wednesday and said that the JNU administration was looking into the matter.
To target RSS which was dominated by Brahmin community ., Anti-Brahmins slogans on several walls of the campus of the Jawaharlal Nehru campus were reported on Thursday threatening the Brahmins of the campus.
Following this development the university authorities issued a statement condemning the incident and blaming ‘unknown elements’ behind the defacement of the campus. Also an inquiry into the incident has been ordered.
The slogans were found on the walls of the School of International Studies-II building. ‘Go back to Shakha’ was written on the wall of the chambers of several Brahmin professors including Nalin Kumar Mohapatra, Raj Yadav, Pravesh Kumar and Vandana Mishra.

“While the Left-Liberal gang intimidate every dissenting voice, they appeal to elect EC representatives that ‘can assert the values of mutual respect and civility, & equal & just treatment of all.’ ‘Civility’ & ‘mutual respect’. Highly deplorable act of vandalism!,” JNU Teachers’ Forum tweeted.

As the photos of the slogans went viral on social media, education scholars worried over esaclation of caste based conflict in the days ahead insdie JNU
The authorities issued a statement assuring that the university belongs to all. “The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Santishree D Pandit has taken serious note of the incident of defacement of walls and faculty rooms by some unknown elements in SIS, JNU. The administration condemns these exclusivist tendencies on campus,” the statement said.
Thirce baaned for terroism organisation RSS’s student wing arm ABVP condemned the incident and accused the left of the vandalism.
“ABVP condemns the rampant vandalisation of academic spaces by communist goons. The communists have written abuses on the walls of JNU in the School of International Studies- II building. They have defaced chambers of free-thinking professors to intimidate them,” said ABVP JNU President Rohit Kumar.
Varna – Sanatana Dharma – caste system in India
Varna literally means type, order, colour or class and was a framework for grouping people into classes, first used in Vedic Indian society. It is referred to frequently in the ancient Indian texts.
The four classes were the Brahmins (priestly people), the Kshatriyas (rulers, administrators and warriors; also called Rajanyas), the Vaishyas (artisans, merchants, tradesmen and farmers), and Shudras (labouring classes).
The varna categorisation implicitly had a fifth element, being those people deemed to be entirely outside its scope, such as tribal people and the untouchables (Scheduled caste and tribe) ). India is home to nearly 300 million of SC and STs
And nearly 700 million of Backward classes and only 70 million of upper castes
The post-Vedic texts, particularly Manusmriti mentions outcastes and suggests that they be ostracised.
Recent scholarship states that the discussion of outcastes in post-Vedic texts is different from the system widely discussed in colonial era Indian literature, and in Dumont’s structural theory on caste system in India
Dravidian parties in Tamilnadu has spread-headed the movement in Tamilnadu for abolition of caste system indifference and voice their rights of oppressed and as a result since 1967 both DMK and ADMK ruled Tamilnadu for 55 years