[splco_heading size=”15″ align=”left” margin=”30″]The COVID-19 outbreaks at government-run hospitals are grave because this puts at risk the lives of patients and nurses, who are at the forefront for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. [/splco_heading]
While Modi led Centre BJP government is busy for tomorrow showering flower petals parade arrangement from air by Indian army personnels to honour Medical health professionals , the reality in Delhi struck hard with Multiple health workers across various Delhi-government run hospitals complained that proper guidelines were not being followed that resulted Delhi government-run hospitals turn COVID-19 hotspots; 76 medical staff test positive, 60 under quarantine
Unlike several other states which have prepared standard operating procedures, there were none being followed in any of the Delhi-government run hospitals.
The staff at BSA Hospital have been complaining that they do not have any protocols in place either. The person wants to be anonymous quipped
“We have Personal Protection Equipment and N-95 masks. They have asked us to use only two N-95 masks for 15 days. The entry and exit for both patients and staffers are the same, so more people are likely to test positive,” said another nurse working at BSA Hospital.
At least 21 medical staff at LN Hospital and 40 medical workers at Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital have tested positive.

Government order reveals more inside happenings glaringly
Another 60 staff of both ILBS and GTB Hospital are under quarantine
The staffs at LN Hospital reiterated that they have been warning the medical director about an outbreak for a while.
They had prepared a staff management plan which was given to the medical director, but no action has been taken.
[splco_quote]But denying Staff charges Dr Passey said “All the protocols formulated by the government of India and the Delhi government are being followed at LN Hospital. All our health workers have been provided with PPE and masks. According to guidelines when a health worker wearing PPE comes in contact with a COVID-19 positive patient or health staff, they will continue to work until their test report comes,”[/splco_quote]
The health workers at LN Hospital have well-founded concerns. “The hospital has opened all the departments (Paediatrics, gynaecology, orthopaedics) and exposed nurses in all of them to COVID-19.
Instead of sending all those who test positive to the Medicine ward, the hospital authorities sent them to various wards in accordance with their comorbidity,” said a nurse.
“While this might seem ideal, the nurses in the medicine ward can attend to all these patients.” The nurse added, “This would have also restricted the COVID-19 exposure in the hospital.
Now, nurses across departments are testing positive. Now, there will be fewer nurses.” Complains the nurse