After international pop star Rihanna, several American lawmakers have extended solidarity with farmers protesting against the Centre’s three farm laws at the various borders of Delhi.
US Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar in support of the farmers tweeted that India must protect their basic democratic rights, allow for the free flow of information, reinstate internet access, and release all the journalists detained for covering the protests. She also tagged a news video on protesting farmers in her tweet.
Another Congresswoman Haley Stevens said she is concerned by the reported actions against peaceful demonstrators, both parties should engage in productive discussions.
She will continue to monitor the situation closely, as reported by news agency PTI.
As the farmers issue became global talk of the town, the US state department has also intervened, saying peaceful protests are a hallmark of thriving democracy and Indian Supreme Court has stated the same.
The US state department encouraged differences between both the parties to be resolved through dialogue, it also welcomed steps that would help improve the efficiency of India’s markets and attract more private sector investors.
It said unhindered access to information is a fundamental right. The unhindered access to information, including the internet is fundamental to the freedom of expression, it added.
With several international celebrities and activists supporting farmers, a Twitter war seems to have erupted over the social media platform between the ones supporting and not supporting the cause.
The government has reacted strongly to the global support, saying that there are some vested interests groups who are trying to enforce their agenda on the protests.
Moreover, a slew of Indian celebrities like cricketers Virat Kohli, Sachin Tendulkar among others have extended support to the government, stating that it is India’s internal matter and that people should focus on the government’s efforts to resolve the farmer crisis.
Bollywood celebrities who are close to Narendara Modi like Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn has come in support of government’s stand against farmers.
The hashtags purported by faceless fake Ids allegedly run by Hindutva groups supported by Ruling establishment in India  #IndiaAgainstPropaganda and #IndiaTogether started on Twitter after Indian celebrities tweeted in support of the government’s response slamming international comments on the farmers’ protest.