In the question regarding Border dispute with China made by MP Dr.Amar Singh vide Question Number 2923 that been answered on 11 March 2020 the External affairs Minister of India has stated in the union territory of Ladakh is approx 38000 ..
And also EAM in reply stated under so called China pakistan boundary agreement signed between china and pakistan on 2 march 1963 pakistan illegally ceded 5180 of India territory in POK to china
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All party meeting conducted by Prime Minister Modi on 19 June and to explain Modi’s speech PMO vide its statement on 20 June 2020 has categorically stated over the last 60 years more than 43000 Sqm has been yielded under the circumstances ..
The boiling point of border dispute comes under Galwan Valley .. So the dispute between China and India as
EAM in parliament said : 38000
Whereas PMO office said : 43000 Sq,km
Means a difference of 5000
In a period between 11 march 2020 ~ 20 June 2020 there were 102 days .. Splco has taken lead from Facebook post in Tamil and elaborated this article .

Ramasuganthan is Sr. Congress leader and Son of Former Central Minister and Tamilnadu Congress President Ramamurthi
In 102 days if one has to go believe EAM and PMO statement 5000 been given away . This area is strictly with respect to land in Ladakh where both China and India share border
On behalf of its one million plus readers of splco we request Union government to Come out with factual figures to explain how this 5000 been occupied by China in the span of 102 days ..