In my 12th exams, I got 24 marks in Chemistry – just 1 mark above passing marks. But that didn't decide what I wanted from my life
Don't bog down kids with burden of marks
Life is much more than board results
Let results be an opportunity for introspection & not for criticism
— Nitin Sangwan (@nitinsangwan) July 13, 2020
IAS officer tweet on “Don’t bog down kids” goes viral

On Monday CBSE released 12th board results and every day different state boards release 10th or 12th results.
Normally parent mind set is marks decide life or career, that exert enormous pressure for students.
Students with fewer marks are still being judged. To highlight the issue, IAS Officer, Nitin Sangwan, took to Twitter and shared his old Class 12 CBSE mark sheet from 2002 when he had just scored just one mark more than the pass mark in Chemistry.
He shared his average marks to motivate students with poor grades and make people aware that marks don’t define someone’s life.
“In my 12th exams, I got 24 marks in Chemistry just 1 mark above passing marks. But that didn’t decide what I wanted from my life”, wrote Sangwan while sharing the post.
[splco_quote]Adding further he said, “Don’t bog down kids with the burden of marks. Life is much more than board results. Let results be an opportunity for introspection & not for criticism.”[/splco_quote]